before imprudent detours created a nightmare and I headed south, life and name tumbling after ... before all that, there was Redemption (sort of) ...
Sundays, I work on my SEO.
This is not the poem:
Unlike, for example, my lucky bro, I can't while away lazy weekends chasing trout ... I'm damaged goods.
My name and reputation online were shattered in 2010, and re-battered early in 2013 through a run-in with misguided, unreasonable fortune ...
What can I say, that I haven't already said or written?
I'm not perfect.

(Note if you will, the roll of toilet paper reflected in the sunglasses I'm wearing, in this otherwise fine "selfie".)
My best efforts sometimes get blown back, and repeat on me like an offensive belch, so I end up defensively childish-sounding ... or trashed online for a few more years. I haven't been able to shake the shit of my first page of Google search results.
But when that comes to pass, as it almost has, and there's no longer arm's reach ammunition ... In other words, when the Ripoff Report hovering around #5 of Google search results, on the first page, for the name "Jeff Glovsky" -- which is my name, my damaged reputation -- becomes "buried" (because egregiously, shittily, sickly, destructively, it never will go away or be taken down) ... When there's no longer bile in plain sight to blow back at me ... defamatory names or libelous qualities which aren't existent, to try to ascribe to me (though you might not know, having not ever met me) ...
I'll sing for you!
"Leave It", ©Jeff Glovsky
* * *What's in a Name? Anyway?